I miss you text messages, i miss you text messages for ex girlfriend, i miss you text messages for ex boyfriend
A fish without fins, a bird without wings. A crab
without claws, a cat without paws. Me without you, you without me. I miss you.
Sometimes i wish we were away from each other for a
while, so i could have the sweet feeling of missing you all over again.
My love, my eyes will always search and my heart will
always beat for.
What makes you special is not the joy i have when i'm
with you, but it's the pain i feel when i miss you.
Spending even one day without seeing you is like
living a lifetime without feeling happiness. I miss you.
You are not just my husband. Your love is the ray that
lights up my life, and the water that quenches my soul’s thirst. I miss you.
I can’t smile without you, come back soon, coz i am
missing you so.
As i woke up, i feel the emptiness in my heart, then i
realize that you’re away and i am missing you so much.
You can never get out of my heart. Because you are my
heart and soul. I am missing you.
Whenever i miss you stars falls down from the sky, so
any day, if you find the sky empty don't blame me! It's your fault you make me
miss you so much.
There are moments in life when you miss someone so
much that you want hug them for real, now i know that you are my heartbeat.
I planned to say a lot of things to you, but in the
end all i could muster up was i miss you.
You must be so tired by now, coz you keep running in
my mind, missing you so, just to let you know.
Distance is keeping us apart but you will always be in
my heart thinking about you, day and night and i am missing you so much.
I miss you so much that if chanting your name was
considered a prayer, my place in the heavens would have already been secured.
Nights have become sleepless and days have become
sleepy since you have gone away. I miss