The best love messages

Long love messages, love messages for partner

The best love messages

·        Loving is knowing how to say "i love you" without speaking.
·        Maybe to the world you are just one person, but to one person you are the whole world.
·        You are both the stillness and confusion of my heart.
·        One is in love when one realizes that the other person is unique.
·        I don't love you anymore, but i still adore you. If i know what love is, it's thanks to you.
·        I love you because we are made to share this life of ours.
·        You don't look like anyone anymore since i love you.
·        It was from you that i said yes to the world.
·        Whatever our souls are made of, mine and yours are made of the same thing.
·        Nothing is impossible for those who really love.
·        You are my first thought that wakes me up in the morning, the last wish that cradles me at night.
·        I can't tell how every time i put my arms around you, i feel at home.
·        She said i love you and i said i love you. She always said and i always said.